

Friday 5 June 2015

Final Day Robocraft

My overall impression on the game Robocraft is that its a great game with a few minor problems. Its not my type of game but I can see many people playing and enjoying this well put together game. The basics of the game is you use W,A,S,D to move your robot around. After that you can build your own robot hoe ever you want. to do that though you must play games and earn tokens to but stuff in the tech tree. The game has 10 tiers and with each thing you add to your robot adds more to your tier bar. You can see the tiers bar at the bottom of your screen when customizing your robot. Once you are in the game the adjective is to win by destroying the opponents base.     

Thursday 4 June 2015

Day 4 Robocraft

The picture above shows the aim down sight when using the plasma launchers. With each type of weapon you will have a different looking sight. One example is with the rail gun category you will have a sniper scope. Also most sights will show you the reload time. With the picture above the blue lines indicate when you can fire again. The line coming off the middle two are for long distance battles because there is bullet drop in this game.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Day 3 Robocraft

The first picture above is the tech tree. The tech tree is where you buy and upgrade your robot. To buy new things in then tech tree you must earn stars by playing games. The further away from the center of the tech tree you get the higher tier stars you must need. The higher tiered stars can be obtained by having your robot the same tier as the tier of star you need. The second picture is a robot that I designed that works very well once you know how to use it. I would recommend plasma launchers because the are quite easy to get and they do a lot of damage. Plasma launchers also have a good reload time. 

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Day 2 Robocraft

In the screenshot above is my tier 2 robot that works pretty good when I play safely. I learned that having to many gun son your robot isn't that good because the guns go in a rotation one by one and the spread of the bullets is higher then having a couple. Its good to team up with people by adding them to your friends list and inviting or joining their platoon. One tip is not to have all your wheels stirring ones, only have the front and back ones stirring. Another tip is to level up your guns as quick as possible so you can have an advantage above the other players.

Monday 1 June 2015

Day 1 Robocraft

I would make a bigger robot car for your first one. I have a small one and I die right away. Places you should go or be is with a team mate and never rush down the middle with tear 1 equipment. If you have only 4 wheels side by side its kind of hard to control. I would suggest have many guns on the front with all the armor and have a couple gun on the back with a little bit of armor.